Starting a law firm with my last name in it made me aware of other lawyers and firms named Masuda. Most of them are on the West Coast – there’s even a young guy named Todd Masuda who just graduated from law school in Sacramento. In the Midwest, there’s a sophisticated commercial law firm in Chicago called Masuda Funai that seems to have had a presence in Ohio a few years ago, and a lawyer in Columbus, Ohio affiliated with small Japanese firm using the masuda-law web domain.

It’s nice to know other Masuda lawyers are working out there. Doing business and providing services, we work on building intentional relationships, but there are so many unintentional and even unacknowledged relationships and associations that have weight and resonance, and that shape who we are and how we live.


It’s Not That Far to the Top


Further Notes on the Ohio Revised LLC Act, R.C. 1706